Welcome to Reminiscence World!

We provide an activity which enables groups to interact with us and each other using various props and themes to trigger memories of 'Days gone by'.
Using a different 'Theme' each visit we find we can reach out and connect with all involved, sometimes with incredible impact.
The benefits of Reminiscence Therapy are long-reaching. People often become isolated from their identities as their memories begin to falter and as the day-to-day issues of living overwhelm the past. Establishing a way to connect with long ago memories can help re-tie that rope to familiarity. 

Other benefits include:
  • Increased ability to communicate  - often when you tell a story, you watch the listener come alive with memory and emotion. Research has shown that new pathways in the brain form as we remember the past.
  • Increased self-worth and empowerment when it seems that control has been removed.
  • Alleviates symptoms of depression and provides a distraction from day-to-day problems.
  • Promotes a sense of belonging with shared experiences.
With a wealth of experience with different groups in different locations and having met people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds we are confident that we can provide a fun and unique experience for all. 

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Take a stroll down memory lane with Sarah

"My name is Sarah McCormick and I am Reminiscence World. I have been providing this activity in all types of settings to groups and on a one to one basis for over 10 years.
This form of therapy work is most beneficial and my work has been recognised and approved by home inspectors, management, staff and relatives alike over the years. I love my work and feel privileged to meet wonderful people and unlock their precious memories"

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